

Résultats de la recherche

  1. Kemedzung

    ... there were not enough scribes. He had enough time to gloss the words while language experts were thinking of more words. If the ... . (This wouldn’t work for domains that are hard to gloss , like animals and plants.) People adding the same words in many ...

    Verna Stutzman - 2019-01-15 10:18

  2. Chungmboko

    ... who didn’t need to sit in a table group and who could gloss folders from the previous week. Less than 5% of all the ...

    Kevin Warfel - 2016-02-26 11:08

  3. Rapoisi

    ... group completed its last folder they took it back to gloss as a group, and the 8 groups continued glossing throughout the day, ... groups that were comfortable working together were able to gloss very effectively. Animal domains Participants ...

    Kim Blewett - 2015-08-05 05:40

  4. Bissa (Barka)

    ... of Grammar), resulting in an additional 552 words to gloss and type. Thus, 14,354 words were collected altogether. Glossing was ...

    Kevin Warfel - 2019-01-15 10:21

  5. Lotud

    ... will continue to meet every weekend to collect and gloss words for the remaining folders in domains 3 through 6. A ...

    Kevin Warfel - 2014-04-25 10:32